Availing an education loan to study in your dream university has never been easier! Let our experts take care of your loan process while you focus on enrolling in your dream university.
ÉLAN, was founded by our team of visionaries with vast experience in the spheres of finance and overseas education. We conceptualized a platform that offers seamless loan processing experience for aspiring international students to save them from going through traditional & cumbersome loan procedures and pioneered ÉLAN, the fintech division of Uniq Synergy. Since its inception, ÉLAN has partnered with leading financial institutions across India and has helped numerous students to enrol in hundreds of universities worldwide with affordable and hassle-free loan offerings.
With our leading partnered nationalized banks, private banks, NBFCs and international lenders and a team of loan experts, we are empowering the global study dreams of thousands of students like you. Our loan experts will suggest the right financial institution based on your eligibility & preferences, assist in documentation & submission of your loan application and will address all your loan related queries. Get your education loan approved faster, as we swiftly guide you each step of the way to avail the one meeting all your funding needs.
Study Loans through 15+ Leading Financial Institutions
Secured and Unsecured Loans
Pre-visa Disbursal of Loans
Hassle Free Documentation
Quick Sanction of loans
Zero Service Charges
Approach us in Person or Online
Create your Profile and know your Eligibility
Proceed with Documentation & Application process
Get your loan Sanctioned!
Our loan experts also offer assistance on the ancillary services of
Government Scholarships
Foreign Exchange
Global Forex Card
International Sim Card
Overseas Travel Insurance
We are the fastest growing EdTech brand operating across geographies, facilitating international student recruitments by connecting students, recruitment entrepreneurs and global universities through our high-tech online platform – Course Finder.
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